In recent years we have witnessed a growth in the use of immersive technologies. Whether you’re a location-based VR provider or a business in one of the many industries that VR is set to disrupt, you should be taking advantage of the opportunities before mass-market adoption can make a huge difference to the position you’re in a few years’ time.
Join us as we discuss the real-case uses of immersive technologies in the multiuser VR applications. We’re proud to have powerful speakers from differing industries who will be sharing their experience on using the Multiuser VR.
1. Fabien Barati: Fabien Barati is co-founder and CEO of Emissive, a company specialized in immersive experiences since 2005. Passionate about digital innovation, he and his team create interactive installations that use virtual and augmented realities in entirely new ways. He collaborates with many clients including Hermès, Lacoste, Adidas or Rolex. Fabien is also executive producer of the acclaimed cultural experiences The Enemy, ScanPyramids VR and Eternal Notre-Dame.
2. Nicolas Dumesnil: Nicolas is the CTO of Varonia systems. Founded in 2017, VARONIA SYSTEMS is a French start-up specializing in the development of virtual reality solutions and more particularly in Free Roaming, i.e. the possibility for participants to move freely over large spaces varying from 40m² to 2000m².
3. Olivier Zitvogel: From 2011-2013 Olivier Zitvogel was the CTO of Sprice at Travelport (www.travelport.com) and leaded international projects.
He founded DIGITAL Z (www.digitalz.fr) and HOLODIA (www.holodia.com). The first company is dedicated to highly-skilled IT consulting, the second to Virtual Reality solutions.
4. Marko Savkovic: Marko currently heads Product Marketing for VIVE Enterprise focusing on VR and 5G technologies. Marko is connecting enterprise needs with innovative vision of HTC, currently focusing on making VIVE solutions easy to deploy and manage.
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